
Depression lights

Are Feelings Of Depression Diminishing Your Capacity For Happiness?

Do cycles of negative and anxious thinking prevent you from feeling confident in your decisions?

Is it hard for you to verbalize your feelings?

Or maybe you are struggling with what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders, beaten down by a seemingly never-ending cycle of bad news. 

Depression is a widely common condition that can present itself in a variety of ways and in a variety of people. Symptoms of depression not only have emotional consequences but physical and social ones too. For example, depression may cause you to have high blood pressure, heightened anxiety, a compromised immune symptom, and suicidal ideation. You may also experience a lack of energy or disruptions in your sleep cycle. 

As a result, basic tasks can begin to feel like chores, and you might have very little motivation to partake in physical activity and maintain healthy habits. Over time, your relationships may also begin to experience strain as feelings of isolation, outbursts of anger, and random mood swings impact your ability to keep the peace. 

Adults and teens alike who experience depression may suddenly lose interest in the activities and the relationships that once provided joy and fulfillment. Adolescents, in particular, often struggle with the chemical changes taking place in their bodies, causing them to exhibit sadness, anger, and frustration with no clear source. 

The nature of depression in and of itself creates struggle. And cycles of negative self-talk, self-imposed guilt and shame, and feelings of weakness will worsen if left untreated. However, despite the struggles you may experience, relief is possible.  

Fear And Sadness Are Common In Facing A Chaotic World 

Most of us experience symptoms of depression at some point. As emotional and relational beings, we are bound to struggle with feelings of loss and disappointment as we move through life. 

Unfortunately, American society in general and our community in particular promote a “bootstrap mentality,” wherein we are expected to solve problems on our own and maintain a bullet-proof demeanor of strength and resilience. And while such qualities are important to possess, the pressure to maintain them at all times is an impossible task for anyone, let alone someone who is already struggling with feelings of failure and lack of self-esteem. 

The truth is, the world is a chaotic place to live in. As thinking, feeling beings, we internalize the stress and emotional pain that we observe in others every day, alongside our own personal disappointments. It is scary to admit that we are struggling with such thoughts and feelings, so we keep them to ourselves, creating a cycle of despair and hopelessness. We begin to withdraw and isolate because we believe that nothing and no one can offer a solution. 

While symptoms of depression are extremely common, they nevertheless make life lonely, difficult, and often unbearable. They create feelings of weakness within us, and as depression festers, our mental and physical strength start to dwindle, adding to the sensation of hopelessness and despair. 

However, there is hope. Experienced professionals can work with and help you find relief from the anguish of depression. Feeling depressed is neither a weakness nor a flaw, and depression treatment and therapy can provide you the support you need before you end up spiraling downward and making harmful decisions that may injure your body or mind.  

Healing And Happiness Are Possible With Depression Treatment 

Having worked with clients experiencing depression for the better part of a decade, I understand that each person is unique and requires individually tailored solutions. I am prepared to accept and meet you wherever you are in life and help you overcome your depression. The essential first step in treating depression is to accept that you are struggling and know that it is okay to ask for help. 

I offer a safe and friendly environment, free of judgment, where we can explore your thought patterns and identify the negative thinking that propels the feelings of sadness, anger, and hopelessness that are causing pain and anxiety in your life. Together, we will work to recognize triggering thoughts and emotions as we begin to simplify the areas you find problematic and build a vocabulary around solutions. Once you begin to verbalize and open up about your feelings of depression, the prospect of treatment becomes significantly less daunting as the potential for happiness becomes more and more within reach.

My aim is to help you to recognize and understand your symptoms so that you may gain clarity in the areas of your life where you are struggling. Using CBT and mindfulness methods, we will work together to better understand your thinking and the role that emotions play in your thoughts and decision making. Sessions with me will entail an analysis of your thought patterns while developing the language and vocabulary needed to express yourself not only during our time together but in your life outside of our sessions.  

In addition, therapy offers you the opportunity of perspective. If you are struggling with self-doubt and feelings of sadness, I will provide positive insights and work as a champion of your strengths and accomplishments. You already possess the tools and inner strength to overcome your depression; I am here to simply help you to recognize and draw from your strengths. 

wood tools

While I am the trained professional in this equation, I know that you are the expert on your life and that working collaboratively, as opposed to authoritatively, is more likely to foster personal empowerment and a sense of capability. I look at depression treatment as a journey together, side by side, on the path to better self-understanding and fulfillment. With help and support, a clear vision of your goals is possible. Once that clarity is established, you will possess the knowledge and strength to create the life you want for yourself. 

The sky is the limit for what you are capable of.

Maybe you still have concerns as you consider treatment for depression…

I am worried I will be perceived as weak or incapable if I seek treatment for my depression

We all need help and guidance for certain things. No one gets through life unscathed or without experiencing symptoms of depression at some point. Therefore, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable so that we can build the strength and emotional endurance necessary to overcome depression. Like bodybuilding or training for a race, we must practice being vulnerable in order to cultivate mental and emotional strength. Therapy offers a great opportunity to do just that in a safe, secure, and confidential environment.  

My partner/family member/friend thinks I might be depressed, but I am not quite sure. How do I know if my feelings of sadness are enough to warrant depression treatment?

Stop, reflect, and be honest with yourself about how you are feeling emotionally. If you continue to experience nagging feelings of sadness, anger, and isolation; if your relationships have been impacted by feelings of sadness or anger; or if you can’t remember the last time you were able to sustain positive thinking and joyful experiences, then you may be more impacted by your emotions than you recognize. 

Just like your family members and friends, a counselor or therapist is both invested in your well-being and may offer an outside perspective on your situation that you can’t access if you are stuck in a loop of negative thinking. Even if the idea of depression treatment seems unnecessary right now, the longer your negative thoughts and feelings fester, the more they will impact your ability to lead the happy, fulfilling life that you deserve. 

Working collaboratively with you and on your timeline, I will help you develop strategies and techniques for identifying your thought patterns so that you can stop your negative thinking and prevent depression before it creates problems in your everyday life. 

Am I ever going to feel better?

Yes! You are stronger than you recognize and more than capable of taking over the driver’s seat of your life as you kick depression to the curb. 

Of course there will be moments or extended periods of time where you are not reaching the full potential of your happiness. However, if you can acknowledge, understand, and accept that symptoms of depression are common and normal, you can begin the process of dismantling that thinking and re-envisioning a future that is hopeful and happy. Depression treatment can expedite that process while also providing the tools needed to reduce periods of depression over time. 

You Have The Strength To Overcome Depression

If depression has become a problem in your life, I would like to offer you the guidance and resources to find the happiness that you deserve. For a free, 15-30 minute phone consultation to discuss my approaches to depression treatment, please call (469) 718-7306 or contact me for more information. 
